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The Kanna Cure: Suffering from depression?

- Kanna for PAWS, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep, Pain, Tapering SSRIs, and More -

Does Kanna cure Depression? No, but it can help with the symptoms. Those of you who suffer from depression can testify that even a gentle lift FROM this burden feels like an immediate cure, therefore we recommend being extra careful when using medication to treat your symptoms. Our Kanna products like BUMP and our Kratom extract product 7-OH are not only mood enhancing, and pain relieving but also energizing.

We have provided a few videos below for more answers to your questions, and to hear what the industry is saying.

We aim to help you make informed decisions!

The plant, generally known as Sceletium, Kanna, Channa, or Kougoed (Mesembryanthemum Tortuosum L.), is a succulent herb commonly found in the dry western parts of South Africa. It is a traditional medicinal plant utilized for relieving abdominal pain, hunger and to enhance mood.

More recently, it has attracted wider scientific attention for its potential in the treatment for depression and anxiety, to promote well-being, and to provide stress relief. A number of potential mechanisms for its observed clinical effects have been described. The main active constituents have been identified as mesembrine alkaloids and some of their individual properties have been investigated.

While known and used by local healers for centuries, Sceletium did not benefit from an early introduction into any of the First World’s marketplaces, resulting in a variety of regulatory barriers for product development and the introduction of Sceletium-based products into the international marketplace.