What’s Going on with Delta8?
In 2021, CDC issued a health advisory regarding the increased availability of cannabis products containing delta-8 THC. These products may be sold legally in hemp or marijuana marketplaces and have been marketed as “weed light”. Delta-8 THC is in a number of products including edibles, extracts and vapes. Currently, The Gov. only wants to ban hemp products because dispensaries are forced to compete with smoke shops where it’s sold and the state doesn't make money from delta 8 sales.
Instead of banning it, just regulate it and tax it, but allow smoke shops to continue selling these products. Putting smoke shops out of business isn't good for the economy in any state. The industry is one of the few remaining industries that hasn't been monopolized by major corporations and Wall St.
Delta-8 THC has psychoactive and intoxicating effects, similar to delta-9 THC (i.e., the component responsible for the “high” people may experience from using cannabis). The FDA is aware of media reports of delta-8 THC products getting consumers “high.” The FDA says “they’re concerned that delta-8 THC products likely expose consumers to much higher levels of the substance than are naturally occurring in hemp cannabis raw extracts”. But in reality, they just need to keep their foot on our heads.
A deeper look. The Government mostly legalized cannabis by region for Tax purposes and control. Seemed like a good solution for everyone at first; however the exorbitant taxes to both the shops and consumers have lessened Legal markets revenue, and users went to the black market (street markets) to save money. This lowered demand at a time when the surplus was at an all-time high. Now let’s Introduce another alternative Cannabis molecule with incredible healing properties called delta 8. Delta 8 scored well on consumer ratings with no legal ramifications and cost-effective. What’s the government going to do now? Ban it - but until they do, have a go on our site for the purest, safest Delta 8, Kratom, Kanna & alternative products www.unowhatsup.com
FAQ: Is Delta 8 legal in my state?
A comprehensive list of states where Delta 8 is either legal or Illegal
Alabama Unregulated, Alaska Prohibited, Arizona Prohibited, Outside Cannabis Channels, Arkansas Unregulated, California Prohibited Outside Cannabis Channels, Colorado Prohibited, Connecticut Prohibited Outside Cannabis Channels, Delaware Prohibited, Florida Unregulated, Georgia Unregulated, Hawai iUnregulated, Ban Unclear/Unenforced, Idaho Prohibited, Illinois Unregulated Ban Unclear/Unenforced, Indiana Unregulated, Iowa Regulated Kansas Unregulated Ban Unclear/Unenforced, Kentucky Regulated, Louisiana Regulated, Maine Unregulated, Maryland Prohibited Outside Cannabis Channels, Massachusetts Unregulated, Ban Unclear/Unenforced, Michigan Prohibited Outside Cannabis Channels, Minnesota Regulated, Mississippi Unregulate Ban Unclear/Unenforced, MissouriUnregulated, Montana Prohibited, Nebraska Unregulated, Nevada Prohibited Outside Cannabis Channels, New Hampshire Regulated, New Jersey Unregulated, New Mexico Unregulated, New York, Prohibited North Carolina Unregulated, North Dakota Prohibited, Ohio Regulated, Oklahoma Unregulated, Oregon Prohibited, Pennsylvania Unregulated Ban Unclear/Unenforced, Rhode Island Prohibited, South Carolina Unregulated Ban Unclear/Unenforced, South Dakota Regulated, Tennessee Regulated, Texas Unregulated, Utah Prohibited Outside Cannabis Channels, Vermont Prohibited, Virginia Regulated, Washington Prohibited, West Virginia Unregulated, Wisconsin Unregulated, Wyoming Unregulated.